Two jaws of manganese steel are provided in this laboratory Jaw Crusher. The moveable jaw produces two blows for every revolution, thusreducing over sizing to a minimum. A combination of forward anddownward strokes with a rocking action exerts pressure on the coarsermaterial, yet permits the finished material to pass through the jaws. The laboratory dense jaw crusher is mainly used in the laboratory formedium and fine crushing of raw materials, such as coal, gangue, coke,limestone, pyrite, etc. Its crushing method is flexural extrusion. Themaximum block size of the material to be crushed should be 10-60 mmsmaller than the size of the feed port of the selected machine model. Thecompressive strength of the crushed material does not exceed 100MPa. There are several types of matching jaw plates: white iron, highmanganese steel, and wear-resistant alloys. The price varies, and it cancrush materials with different hardness. The machine is reasonable indesign, simple in structure, less in parts, easy in maintenance and easyin operation. No dust leakage, stable performance, low noise,improved sample preparation working environment and conditions, it isan ideal equipment for upgrading of laboratory sample preparationequipment. It is widely used in electric power, metallurgy, chemicalindustry, geology and other industries, and can also be used forcrushing of material samples in other industries.